| 1. | The armour belt would have a 220 280mm thickness.
| 2. | One torpedo hit amidships on the port side, just below the bottom edge of the main armour belt.
| 3. | Six holes are amidships, three shell fragments pierced the upper splinter belt, and one made a hole in the main armour belt.
| 4. | However, " Dunkerque " had a weaker armour belt, so the deadly range of the German battleships was not inferior.
| 5. | "Belfast " was protected by a main armour belt, with deck armour of over her magazines, and over her machinery spaces.
| 6. | The nickel-steel armour deck was two inches thick on the flat amidships, but thick on the slope connecting it to the armour belt.
| 7. | "Agamemnon " had an armour belt at her waterline that was thick, as were the faces and sides of her gun turrets.
| 8. | The armour belt was tall and thick, but no side protection at all was provided to the ends of the ship or the upper decks.
| 9. | The waterline armour belt of " Mikasa " consisted of Krupp cemented armour that had a maximum thickness of over the middle of the ship.
| 10. | The cruisers had guns versus the guns of " Goeben " and had armour a maximum of thick compared to the battlecruiser2 s armour belt.